A Guide to House Plant Care: Coddling Your Green Babies!

House Plant Care Cover

Taking care of house plants can be incredibly rewarding. Every new leaf, every tiny cutting turned into a full plant, and every flower that blooms are a victory for the dedicated plant parent. As a new plant parent, you'll need this house plant care guide to understand some basics.

Researching the proper house plant care for each variety you wish to own will help ensure your green babies stay healthy and beautiful. With care, online support through various plant parent communities, and photos of your successes along the way, you'll stay motivated for your plant babies.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Our objective is to introduce you to house plant care for beginners. With the help of this guide, your plants will bring joy and life to any home they occupy.

House Plant Care Made Easy

temperature and lighting for plants
Source: Pexels

Water them regularly

Watering your house plants correctly is crucial if you want them to stay healthy and happy. Different plants have different water requirements, so make sure to refer to the specific guidelines for each individual plant.

water plants
Source: Pexels

Generally, most plants prefer soil that is slightly damp, but not overly wet or dry. Stick your finger into the soil to determine if it needs water. Use a watering can or a gentle shower setting on your garden hose to avoid damage to the delicate foliage.

Feed Them Fertilizer Periodically.

fertilizers for plants
Source: Pexels

When it comes to fertilizing, most houseplants should be fertilized regularly at the interval of few weeks during their growing season. However, always read the fertilizer instructions carefully before applying it as too much can damage or even kill your plants.

Rest and Rotate Your Plants Regularly.

As part of healthy house plant care, it's essential to rotate them regularly. This can mean giving them about a two-week break from their spot in your home. By doing so, your plants will get adequate sunlight exposure and recover from fatigue caused by too much time being stationary.

Take the time each week to give your houseplants a little spruce up; you'll be amazed at the results when you watch them flourish!

Choose the Right Plants for Your Home.

Taking the time to pick out the right plants is key to successful house plant care. Different types of plants have different needs; some plants require more sunlight or water than others, so make sure you do your research beforehand.

After you've selected the suitable plants for your environment, be sure they have adequate soil and room to grow in their pot or planter. Choosing the right houseplant for your home doesn't have to be overwhelming.

With this guide, you'll learn steps to finding the perfect plant for your lifestyle and living space. You can find a houseplant that adds greenery and beauty to any room in your home.

Determine Your Light Situation.

Before selecting any specific houseplant, consider the lighting situation in your home. Every species of plant needs different amounts and types of light. It means some are more suited for rooms with plenty of sunlight, while others prefer those with a bit of shade.

light for plants
Source: Pexels

Knowing how much light you can provide will help you narrow down your choices from the very beginning; making it easy for house plant care.

Decide on Size.

Knowing the size and maintenance requirements of the plant you want is also an important consideration when it comes to selecting a houseplant. Various plants need different levels of attention and care. This one aspect can make house plant care easy for you.

Some need regular watering, while others prefer to keep their soil mostly dry in between watering; some need frequent trimming, while others like to be left alone. Decide how much time you are willing to dedicate to house plant care in order to find the best one for your lifestyle.

Choose an Aesthetic You Like.

The aesthetics of plants can vary significantly, so it is important to consider which type fits in with your personal taste. Do you prefer organic-looking green foliage, bright blooms and vibrant colours? Or maybe a succulent with low maintenance and a pop of texture?

Identifying house plants is important you can narrow down the search for your perfect houseplant! Choose wisely to make house plant care easy for you.

Understand Your Air Quality.

Understanding your air quality is an important step in selecting the right houseplant for your home. Depending on the air circulation and levels of humidity, some plants may thrive in your particular environment while others will not.

Consider measuring the temperature and humidity as well as checking for any pollutants to ensure a suitable environment for the plants you are considering; it's the first step towards easy house plant care practice.

Familiarize Yourself with Different Types of Plants.

different plant types
Source: Pexels

It's important to do your research when it comes to proper house plant care! Each type of indoor plant has its own unique needs.

Succulents, for example, prefer dry conditions while delicate ferns require more moisture to thrive. Knowing the specifics of house plant care can help you find one that's best suited for your home environment.

With the right house plant care, you'll have beautiful house plants in no time!

Five most common easy-to-maintain Indian house plants.

Every home should consider having some house plants to add beauty, air purification and help pollinators! India has a very diverse climate and topography so when selecting indoor plants for your home, careful consideration of their care requirements should be taken into account.

Here is a list of common and best house plants in India that can be chosen to suit Indian climate conditions. These house plants are perfect choice for your balconies, windowsills or any other part of your home that you want to decorate with greenery.

Not only will these add aesthetic value but also provide numerous benefits such as air purification and providing food for pollinators!

Snake Plant

Snake plants, with their modern and effortless beauty, are a popular choice for many houseplant enthusiasts. Not only do they bring a touch of color to any home decor, but they also help purify the air of carbon dioxide and chemical residues.

Snake plant
Source: Pexels

Caring for snake plants is very easy and requires minimal maintenance - they can survive in poor soil conditions without needing frequent watering or much natural light!

In the summer months, water your snake plant about once every 2 weeks and once every two months in winter. With proper care, you'll have a beautiful snake plant that thrives!

Aloe Vera plant

The Aloe Vera plant is an excellent choice for those looking for indoor plants that not only decorate their home but also provide medicinal benefits. This ayurvedic plant helps with detoxification and removing toxins, so your skin can get the necessary nutrients it needs.

Aloe Vera plant
Source: Pexels

Aloe Vera house plant care doesn't take much effort as it requires soil specially blended for cacti and succulents, and thrives best in bright sunlight. Watering of Aloe Vera plant should be done every 3 days during summer months, and less frequently during winter months.

It's one of the best indoor plants for gamers/working-from-home peeps who need some greenery inside home!

Money Plant

The Money plant, also known as Pachira aquatica, is a popular houseplant known for reportedly bringing luck, prosperity and good fortune to its owner. Native to Central and South America, the Money plant thrives in a variety of climates and topographical situations.

money plant
Source: Pexels

It has heart-shaped leaves that can be displayed on window ceilings, balcony railings and other areas of the home which need some natural decoration.

In terms of care, it needs soil that drains water well. Important house plant care tip for money plant is: it prefers low light but can survive with minimal lighting; and should only be watered once per week.

Anthurium Plant

Anthurium, more popularly known as a Lily plant, is a great addition to any home. Not only does it improve air quality by reducing pollutants like ammonia and xylene, but its bright red blooms add a striking aesthetical essence!

Anthurium plant
Source: Canva

It’s perfect for decorating Indian-themed or Boho-themed homes. Caring for an Anthurium could not be easier; they require soil with high organic content, moderate sunlight, and occasional watering (every two days in dry weather and once a week in humid weather).


Ferns are an excellent choice for adding liveliness and color to otherwise dull areas in the house. Being one of the oldest varieties of Indian indoor plants, these create a lovely green ambiance in homes.

Source: Pexels

Ferns possess the special ability to purify air and although they don't produce seeds or flowers, they can absorb oxygen very efficiently.

They thrive best when exposed to partial sunlight and should be watered moderately. One house plant care tip for ferns is: too much or too little water could prove detrimental to their health, so make sure you water them moderately.


Having house plants can be a beneficial and satisfying way to bring color, life, and natural energy into your house or apartment while reaping the health benefits they provide. Not only do they help reduce stress levels and boost moods, their presence can calm you down and make you more productive.

We have tried to compile information on types of houseplants and how to care for them, so you can choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and needs! Refer to these plant care tips next time you plan to buy greens for your home.

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