Effortless House Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Family Safe.

cleaning tips for your home

We all know how important cleanliness is. With the advent of Covid 19, the requirement of having a clean environment has only catapulted in front of everyone. With so many viruses, bacteria, and fungi affecting our health, it is an absolute necessity to have a clean home.

That is why in this article, we are going to discuss some house cleaning tips to keep your home clean and safe. Just like every room in your home has a different purpose, similarly, each of them requires its cleaning regime. Here are some house cleaning tips.

House Cleaning Tips for Kitchen

A kitchen is a place that is in use constantly without break. It is the place where food preparation, food handling, and everything related to food happens. Food intake and health have direct contact with the human body and cleanliness, so this is a place that requires our highest attention.

Cleaning your house without breaking a sweat is not an easy job. However; with right toolkit of products in your hand can turn this chore into fun, effortless activity. In Kitchen, every surface is a magnet for viruses, bacteria, fungi, pests, etc. Food is an easily perishable product, and more often leaves behind a trail of harmful organisms and residues.

"Disorder breeds poverty. Anywhere there is disorder, there will also be waste. And waste is one of the many causes poverty.” -Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr


house cleaning tips for home
Source: Canva

Here are some house cleaning tips for the kitchen:

  1. Wash your hands before touching any food item in the kitchen.
  2. Thing about organizing prior designing kitchen cabinets.
  3. Regularly clean and wipe the surface tops and corners to ensure hygiene.
  4. Regularly wash and clean kitchen towels and dishwashing sponges.
  5. Keep your chopping board clean and wash it regularly with hot water.
  6. After the cooking process is done, wash and wipe the countertops to remove the oil particles and food remains.
  7. Use bleach and phenyl to clean the sink and below the sink surfaces.
  8. Keep the dustbin covered and clean it regularly.
  9. Clean your fridge regularly.
  10. Check and throw away the expired, rotten, and old food items from the kitchen and fridge.
  11. Keep your kitchen appliances clean, and wash them after every use with disinfectant.
  12. Clean the spills in the kitchen immediately to prevent fungi development.

House Cleaning Tips for Bathroom

After the kitchen, you should head over to your bathroom. it is a place where you clean your body, but like all other rooms, this cleaning house also needs time to time cleansing. The bathroom is a warm and humid place due to the continuous presence of water. Thus, giving way to favorable conditions for germs and bacteria.

house cleaning tips for home
Source: Canva

Here are some house cleaning tips for your bathroom:

  1. Clean your toilet pot regularly to prevent bacterial and fungal growth.
  2. Clean showers and taps on their openings.
  3. Use proper disinfectant and cleaning agent to clean the tiles. don't inhale the fumes if any.
  4. Keep a hair collector or a mesh at the mouth of the drains to prevent drain blockage from tangling hairs. Remove hairs and soap scum from it regularly.
  5. Keep the bathroom doors and flush handles clean using disinfectants.
  6. Keep an eye on the bathroom corners, and attack any mold growing there with disinfectants and sponges.
  7. Change the shower curtains regularly.
  8. Design bathrooms in an efficient way to organize toiletry properly; avoid spills early.
  9. Wash your bathroom towels and robes with detergent once every week to prevent any bacterial growth.

House Cleaning tips for Bedroom

A bedroom is a place of relaxation and peace. Even though it feels cozy and comfortable, it might be a spot of bacterial or fungal collection. So, to prevent your discomfort due to rashes or any other kind of disease, keep your bedroom clean.

"Environmental cleanliness begins with individual desire to be clean.” - Lailah Gifty Akita

house cleaning tips for home
Source: Pexels

Here are some house cleaning tips for your bedroom:

  1. Keep a separate place for dirty clothes instead of leaving them strewn everywhere.
  2. Dedicate space for each & every items so that you can avoid clutter due to unavailability of proper space in a bedroom.
  3. Change bedroom linens once a week and wash them in hot water with the proper time of soaking.
  4. Try not to munch on snacks on the bed because crumbs can settle down and stay in crevices and corners.
  5. Keep the remote controllers, mobile phones, and tv screens sanitized and clean.
  6. If you use electronic devices on the bed, then regularly disinfect them.
  7. For kids' bedrooms, use child-friendly disinfectant to clean their toys and stuff.
  8. Frisk and beat your pillows once a month to ensure fluffy pillows and remove dust from them.

House Cleaning tips for your Living Room

The living room is the common area where we spend our time just doing random stuff and relaxing. People bring out every kind of stuff to their living rooms which makes it a center of chaos. If you have a living room, it is a high possibility that your living room is a mess of different objects and randomly strewn objects.

house cleaning tips for home
Source: Pexels

Here are some house cleaning tips for your living room:

  1. Put the things away which are no longer in use.
  2. Take regular sofa care arrange the sofa covers, pillows, cushions, and carpet in your living room regularly to give a feel of organized space.
  3. Use the recommended instructions for the couches and sofas to clean them at regular intervals.
  4. Use dusting to clean the decorative and open surfaces.
  5. Arrange your bookshelves and other shelves in your living room.
  6. Use brushes to roll up all the lint and pet hairs from your couch and sofas.
  7. Wipe the tables and surfaces which are constantly in use with disinfectant and water.
  8. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean away the dust and dirt from floors or carpets.
  9. If not vacuum cleaners, then use brooms and wipes to clean your floors and walls.
  10. Clean your doorknobs and stair handle with disinfectants and sanitizers regularly.
Quick 21 additional cleaning hacks:

21 Cleaning Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind! credits: Clean My Space

Maintain hygiene against viruses

So, these are some house cleaning tips that everyone can use to keep their home clean and healthy. Even though the Covid-19 situation is improving, we should not forget and leave the Covid habits of hygiene and cleanliness.

A clean environment can prevent many diseases and allergies from our homes, so stay clean everyone.


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