Decorate a bathroom, effortless ideas for transformation

cover image to decorate a bathroom

Bathrooms are places of relaxation. One likes to relax and rewind in this space and thus, the aesthetics of this place becomes a major point of discussion. However, this does not mean that you need to go out of your way to import luxurious items to make them aesthetically pleasing.

We will talk about some ideas to decorate a bathroom in this post. It will help you to choose something for your relaxing space within your budget and according to your taste.

"There is something about a bathroom that feels like a fortress. A closed bathroom door may only be about two inches of plywood, but it feels like an iron bar." - Ursula Vernon

Wondering how to decorate a bathroom? Let's dive into details.

Improve lighting of the space

Proper lighting is necessary for every space, and bathroom space is no exception to this. You should ensure that the bathroom is well-illuminated. Make sure you have proper natural light.

decorate a bathroom
Source: Asmussen,

You can use large windows with translucent windows or glass panes or fiber panes that will allow the light to pass and yet maintain the privacy of the space. If it isn't possible, then try to install as many light fixtures as you can.

You can also have alternative warm lighting to create a soothing ambiance. Instead of having one main focused lighting, you should have multiple smaller light fixtures throughout the bathroom space.

Consider vanity décor while decorating a bathroom

The view of the bathroom is of utmost importance. For removing the clutter, you can keep a vanity space designed for your toiletries. This will help to keep them together and escape the clutter. You can either install a storage cabinet to store them or have a shelf added to your bathroom.

decorate a bathroom using cabinet décor
Source: Pexels

The storage cabinet can be used to create an aesthetically pleasing piece of furniture and thus can be used to add elements to your space. You can play with the colors or add texture to it.

With the shelf, you can opt for different designs such as a metal shelf, wooden shelf, marble shelf, etc. according to your taste. While decorating a bathroom you can also add small pots of plants on those shelves as décor pieces.

You can install one more cabinet to store the spare toiletries and products. It can be placed outside the bathroom or somewhere far away from the shower. It will help in sorting your toiletries and make them easy to access. This is one of the functional ideas to decorate a bathroom.

Taking care of bath linens and curtains impeccably

You can use curtains and linens of similar shades to induce a clean and elegant feel. You can choose similarly themed bath robes, linens, curtains, bath mats, etc., and achieve this graceful touch to your bathing space.

decorate a bathroom
Source: Thomas Cotton,

If you want to experiment with colors, you can use bright colors or even choose patterns in your bathroom. Monochromatic themes are the soothing ones but experimental ones with a mixture of bold and bright patterns are also a welcoming sight.

Decorate a bathroom using stunning artwork

If you have abundant space in your bathroom, you can also opt for artwork to decorate a bathroom wall. It is not one of those traditional ideas to decorate a bathroom but it will add a bohemian touch to your bathroom.

frames in bathroom
Source: Pexels

The cheekier and funnier the artwork, the better. However, make sure that the painting you are going to install remains away from direct moisture and is waterproof.

Treating windows in the bathroom

Windows in the bathroom are a big experiment in themselves. This choice of décor is not always possible, but if you can, you should opt for big windows. This will make your bathroom look bigger and grander and enhance the general view.

Also, the bigger windows will allow more natural light to enter the bathing space, creating a serene ambiance.

Decorating a bathroom using designer mirrors

Mirrors are a must-have item in every bathroom. The size and style of the mirror are completely dependent on your choice. If you have a small bathroom space, mirrors are the best way to enhance the space.

Source: Pexels

They give the feel of a larger bathroom and will serve their purposes too. In an attempt to decorate a bathroom, you can get experimental with the mirrors and use decorative pieces along with mirrors to highlight them.

Decorating a bathroom with accessories

Accessorize your bathroom space to ensure that nothing looks too out of place. You can use cabinets to store the toiletries, hooks, and racks to store and hang robes and towels, and wicker baskets to keep dirty laundry instead of leaving them outside.

decorate a bathroom using designer bathroom fittings
Source: Grohe

You can also use chic bathroom fittings and stylish handles to increase the charm of your bathrooms. A refreshing choice of fittings that suit the surrounding of your bathroom will be a perfect match to enhance the mood of your bathroom.

You can upgrade your fixtures and feel the instant lift up in the mood of your space.

You can't go wrong with the plants

One of the best ideas to decorate a bathroom is by adding plant life to it. You can use plants that do not need regular sunlight for your bathroom. You can use a combination of large pots for the floor and small pots for the sink or washbasin.

Source: Pexels

The best plants for bathroom

While choosing plants to decorate a bathroom; one should consider plants which survive highly humid environment. Bathrooms are usually more humid than rest of the house; thus plants should be able to absorb moisture.

Another factor to consider is lighting conditions; while most bathrooms have windows for ventilation usually these are small in size. Luckily there are plants suitable for both the conditions; for low light you can consider Cast-Iron plant and Snake plant.

For bright indirect conditions you can consider Bamboo Palm, Space Lily and Anthurium.

Taking good care of bathroom plants

1. Watering

Watering once or twice a week works; as these plants usually don't need frequent watering.

2. Lighting

These plants don't require direct sunlight; make sure plants get filtered indirect sunlight.

3. Temperature & Humidity

Most plants thrive under 25 Celsius to 30 Celsius.

4. Grooming

Pruning leaves regularly will help plant grow and it prevents diseases.

Improve ambiance of the space

You can install a music player or use a waterproof speaker to create a vibrant mood while bathing. Music is always helpful in creating ambiance and adding a good vibe to any space.

Source: Pexels

Apart from music, you can use incense sticks or scented candles to create a good ambiance. It is soothing to have a well-scented environment while relaxing in a bathtub.

Choosing right tiles and colors to decorate a bathroom

Most of the bathrooms these days are covered in tiles or marble. You can be creative while opting for the designs and colors of the tiles and marbles. You can choose plain floor tiles and use contrasting colors, alternating tiles, or patterned tiles for the walls.

Apart from the aesthetic beauty, these tiles and marbles have functional usage too. They are easier to clean and thus help in maintaining hygiene; in order to decorate a bathroom one must spend time choosing best match of tiles.

You can use contrasting wall colors and match them with the accessories in the bathroom or you can opt for a monochromatic color scheme. Using the monochromatic color scheme, you can create a sensuous and stunning bathroom view.

Decorate a bathroom using designer bathtubs

If you have enough space in your bathroom, install an ornamental bathtub instead of a plain one. Decorate the bathtub with multiple accessories such as floating trays, flower petals, scented candles, candle diffusers, reading stands, etc.

You can experiment with colors too, and get a bold-colored bathtub instead of light-colored ones.

Install multifunctional showers

If your bathroom has limited space, you can exchange your bathtub for a multifunctional shower. It will clear up a lot of space and provide you with an opportunity to decorate it. You can use buckets and stools instead of the bathtubs.

bathroom corner
Source: Christa Grover,

It will please you and can be aesthetic too, if employed properly. You can use the same theme for the bucket and stool to turn them into elegant pieces. Transparent Shower Room for Space Division in a Small Space Similarly, if you want a separate shower space but have less space, then you can opt for transparent shower spaces.

It will provide you with separate space but will not make your bathroom space feel claustrophobic. You can use translucent curtains to decorate a bathroom, but don't go for opaque or patterned curtains.

Use most needed bath mats

Bath mats are generally not focused much upon, but they have huge potential. The bathroom mats can add contrast and make the bathroom space a little more exciting than the serene feeling of hues.

decorate a bathroom using mats

If you want your bathroom to be full of warm colors and relaxing visuals, adding a contrasting bathroom mat can balance that serenity with a touch of excitement.

If you are using dark and experimental colors to decorate a bathroom, then the bathroom mat can be light or white-colored and add negative space to your art.

Keep it clean by avoiding unwanted growth

You should not place too many wooden accessories in the bathroom. The surfaces that can absorb moisture and lead to the growth of mildew or fungus should not be used even for décor in the bathroom space.

So the ideas to decorate a bathroom is that if it's not waterproof or water-resistant should not be applied at all.


Whether the question is how to decorate a bathroom large or small, these ideas to decorate a bathroom are sure to add some elements to your bathroom. Bathrooms are generally considered private spaces and thus not much thought is spent on them.

However, if you are going to spend a large part of your life in there and all the best ideas come in the shower, shouldn't shower space be as calming and reflective of your choice as possible?

That is why, you must imply a few or all of these ideas to decorate a bathroom according to your taste and tell us about the results in the comments section.

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